For your summer reading, beach reading, quarantine reading, why not my new book, “The Easter Confession”? It’s fiction, a brisk read. I like to think of it as an “entertainment” rather than a novel. Here’s a plot summary:

On Easter Eve 1955, young Connecticut priest Father Hugh Osgood gets a disturbing visit to his confessional and soon finds himself plunging against his will into a world of high-end art thievery and murder – and a mystery that only he can solve. Enlisting the help of a couple of old hometown friends, he sets out to piece together the deadly puzzle. But just as he begins, the strangest thing happens – one by one, the stolen paintings – first a Manet, then a Monet, then a Degas – start coming back, an unheard-of twist that creates a new mystery atop the old one. From there, it becomes a fast-paced race to the finish as Father Osgood draws closer to his prey, balancing his priestly responsibilities against his instinctual urge for justice. Will he track down the who, the how and the why? Can he control his rage when the case becomes personal in the most painful way possible? “The Easter Confession” will draw you back to the days of the mid 20th century and remind you with fresh, sharp storytelling that times may change but good and evil are always with us.
Interested? Looking for a gift? You can purchase the book at Amazon here, or directly from me (if you’d like it signed or inscribed for someone). Just email me at and I’ll get the book(s) to you. Eventually, I hope to book some readings in the Waterbury area, and book clubs, too, but that’s all pretty uncertain at this point due to you-know-what.
In the meantime, thanks very much for your interest. Please get in touch here if you have any questions or comments.